Monday, November 8, 2010

Net Neutrality

Here is a good article on net neutrality and the difficulties of implementing it. If everyone had access to quality internet services, the world would be a different place.

Google and Facebook are being challenged because they create so much data. The question is whether they are willing to pay for the increased data traffic they create...

If they pay, we will likely have to pay too.


  1. Holly,
    This is very interesting. Something else that has caught my eye lately are internet banner ads. I was doing some research on Wikipedia the other day and at the top of the page was a banner ad from its creator.
    Apparently, they ask for yearly donations in order to keep the site running. I'm not sure I'm up for donating although I don't know what I'd do without my Wikipedia.
    With so much available on the internet, it's weird to think what it would be like without these sources like Wikipedia and Google.

  2. In today's telecommunications world of cellphones, most of whom have unlimited long distance talk plans, implementing a a service fee for access to websites such as Skype would not be financially worth the hostility it would create amongst its pre-existing, and potential customer base, especially if a company (say AT&T) is the only one charging such a fee.

    I also agree with Katherine in that many passionate users of free websites (like - a very informative community of passionate saints fans that cover every aspect of the team from videos, to online users' personal interaction with Saints players) encourage and receive a substantial amount of monthly/annual donations.

    The trick there is to create that passionate customer base that is willing to make the donations, which can be tough.
